Sunday, March 31, 2013
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Perspectives on Relationship of Khmer, Thai, Lao, Mon, Kuy, Hmong, Vietnamese, and Burmese
Khmer People
Mon People
Siam People (Thai people)
Burmese People
Lao People
Vietnamese People
Hmong People
With the change of time quickly, the large amount of various ethnic groups immigrated into mainland South East Asia got married and lived with local ethnic groups and claimed for the new ethnic group with the ancient culture. However, Khmer, Kuy, Mon and other local ethnics have been living in the region and conserving their own culture as well as influencing to the newly arriving ethnics like Siam (Thai), Lao, and Burmese. In contrast, Vietnamese, Hmong and other Tai ethnics are strongly holding the Chinese tradition traveled southward similar to Siam and Lao people because of the pressure from Chinese and Mongolian about one thousand year ago. Since then, the conflict of land claim occurred never ending on the ground of passion for their own nations. War destroyed the good culture and peace of local ethnic group includes Khmer, Kuy, Mon and other local ethnic people in the region; millions were killed as well as captured as slave gradually to the newly kingdoms. Millions captured into the newly kingdom integrated into the new society and considered themselves as the people of new nation. Culture, arts, religion and language flew into the new culture of Siam, Lao and Burmese people mixed with their own ideas from previous culture in the South of China.
The misunderstanding of history causes some of the youth of each country in mainland South East Asia to get angry for the common culture and language. The youth of a country accused other youth of another country as people stealing their culture, especially traditional dances. For instance, some Thai teenagers usually accused Khmer people to steal some of their traditional dances, but they seem to forget that Thai and Khmer culture share the common because of the same source of the ancient Angkor Empire of Khmer. Living in the part of Angkor in Sokhotey Province, people in this area had already practices of the tradition of Khmer in Angkor City. Siam people (Thai people) flowing from the south of China adapted the practice of Khmer art and language as the citizen of Angkor Power since Sokhotey and other provinces of Angkor Empire were once the territory of Angkor Empire before this was stolen by Siam people to create their first Kingdom. Not only gaining the land and culture of Khmer, Thai people also adapted the culture of Mon people who was so similar to Khmer Culture since the Khmer and Mon Kingdom were once the siblings Kingdom. Furthermore, two times of the conquer over Angkor City and one time of conquer over the Longvek city of Khmer Empire by Siam people, the culture, language, ancient documents of Angkor, art, and citizens including artists flew into Thai Kingdom and lastly integrated into their society in the central part of Thailand today. They do not even know that their blood surely descending from Khmer people and Mon people mixed with Tai people.
After the fall of Khmer Empire, Khmer people certainly got the influence back from Thai society, but Khmer people still has their own practice of culture. At last, they charged these people as the robber of the culture and language through the historical misunderstanding. Similarly, Burmese and Lao people also should apply to these conditions meaning they all share the common culture of the ancient Khmer and Mon people. The discrimination should be eliminated as soon as possible since the culture of the ancient Khmer and Mon people seems to be our common culture. Therefore, all Khmer, Mon, Thai, Lao, Burmese should integrate together and strongly help each other towards the future development instead of the passion for more territory and the genocide of Khmer and Mon people who are already weak because of the war. Not only dedicated to Khmer and Mon, but also for other ethnic people as well includes Kuy, Shan, Hmong, Karen, Cham, Tai, Malay, and other ethnics living in this mainland region.
On the other hand, Vietnamese who strongly practices the Chinese concept and the communism should stop their genocide on the ethnic group in Vietnam, especially Khmer Krom. Historically, Cham and Khmer people (aka Khmer Krom) were killed as the purpose of old Vietnamese people for the genocide of culture as well people belongs to ethnic group. Millions of Cham and Khmer people were killed gradually through the passion of stealing territory from Khmer Empire and Champa Kingdom. In spite of the different culture and race, Vietnamese should reconsider for the social works as the benefits not only to Vietnamese, but all people living in Vietnam. Nowadays, it is believed that Khme Krom people live in Vietnam with the pressure on the cultural practice of Khmer Empire. They are forced to change some the practice, especially for traditional clothing and housing. The discrimination should sharply stop for this region.
In short, the relationship of the mentioned ethnics above is not good yet for some condition. Therefore, there is a request for solidarity and integration of each nation and common culture for better future of all. "Love your people, Let's give truth love to others as well" "Discrimination is the disease of the mainland South East Asia today" "The better future development for all is the most important approach for all people living in this mainland SEA today!"
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
New Creative Songs, Most Related to Nature in Battambang
Having lost the treasure of the best lyricists and singers in Pol Pot Regime, not many talented people in Cambodia nowadays are found for last few decades. Certainly, some teen music and songs now were believed to copy from foreign artists while small amount of people do their best to create something new to promote the innovation for Khmer song lyrics. As a result, the phrases in most teen songs not really applied following the Khmer rhythm format; however, the best writing is found within the tourism songs written by Mr. Hun Heng suitable to the sweet voice of Son Sreypich. The best campaign goes promoting tourism in Cambodia among other ASEAN members along with many good songs viewed the natural site and ancient temples. The increasing of people get interested in the new tourism songs and voice of the singer and coincidentally admires the authors for better writing. At last, the new songs for a private production are produced for lyrics and music in order to remind the nature of Battambang province and love story between man and woman. Let's enjoy the creative songs as following:
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Traffic Accident in Cambodia, The Most Concerned Issue for The Obstacle of Social Security
Traffic accident is the most concerned issue for Cambodian nowadays. The news for accident released so often for the serious damage as well as death and injury that seem the traffic out of controlled. Recently, two important and surprising cases of the traffic accident appeared on the local news and mouth.
First case was in Phnom Penh, a female university student majoring in Health Science was so rude with her driving behavior caused the unacceptable tragedy. With the modern car, she hit a man near the traffic light just slightly injured. However, she drove very fast to escape because of the irresponsibility. Consequently, until near Ministry of Interior many motorbikes as well as the bicycles including adults, old people and primary school children were hit by her car seriously injured and dead. It was so pity, especially three children knowing nothing immediately died on the pavement. Anyway, she was caught by the police officers at the moment later on the second site of accident from her car plus two young men passengers supposed to be her younger brothers. The court decided to put her to prison plus punishment while her father accepted to compensate everything and felt so sorry for that tragedy.
Next, the news about the big traffic accident between the car of the famous pop star and the container truck on 8 March 2013 at night around eighth o'clock was lived on local TV and local news. The car of the popstar, Khemerak Sereymon with several co-workers was drove by the bodyguard of this singer in the direction from Phnom Penh to Sihanoukville. Arriving in Prey Nup on the National Road No. 4, the container truck drove very fast in the opposite direction caused to fall the container on the car of Khemerak Sereymon while the driver tried to escape to other edge of the road. Unfortunately, they could not escape and the container fell down on their car. Because of irresponsibility for the driving action, the driver of the container truck ran away to disappear. Immediately, only Khemerak Sereymon was so quick to lay down on the car floor, so he was slightly injured. Two women as the dancers was also injured, but for the driver and other two young men were all died immediately. These two young men were reported as a son of the famous comedian, Mr. Chuong Chi called Neay Koy, and the famous traditional Ayai singer & comedian, Yeay Nang. Local citizens reported to ABC radio to announce the accident, so a moment later police officers and ambulance went there. While working on the site, other container truck came across so fast caused another accident on the same site and suddenly killed an officer of the insurance company and another man died at the hospital. Similar to the previous container truck driver, this driver also escaped so quickly and disappeared.
In conclusion, traffic accident seems to occur because of the lack of morality and responsibility on the road, especially container truck driver. Many traffic accidents happened every day to be heard on the news, so many people now were so concerned about this issue that the government should take action for the proper control as the solution to tackle it. The driver should reconsider about the way they order their vehicle and people must be more careful while driving on the road for both in the city and rural area. "Traffic could no harm to people if everyone drives with responsibility and morality!"
Google Translation for Khmer Language Available Soon
Google Translation is the best tool on the internet to allow foreign readers to translate the language they do not understand to their native language. Many people experienced the benefit of this Google Translation tool to read the article in languages they never understand. Certainly, there are many languages around the world included in the tool, except Khmer Language.
Recently, the news released on Phnom Penh Post, Khmer Language will include to Google Translation as Mr. Heng Sovan, an IT Specialist participated in the project of Global Developer Group, said the process to convert Khmer Language to other languages is going on. The launch of Khmer Language in Google Translation will be expected for the end of this year. As a result, many blogs and websites using Khmer Language will benefit to get large amount of online visitors rather than just Khmer Speaking People. It should be noticed that many Cambodian people get interested to post the blog in Khmer Language, but less visitor went to the sites since less population of Cambodian going online!
In contrast, Cambodia citizens could catch up more opportunities to read the foreign article in Khmer Language for the good information and development around the world using Google. The link between Cambodia and the outside world would be reinforced and the cooperation will run more smoothly.
In short, Khmer Language promotion in Google Translation surely provide much advantages to the development of technology in Cambodia, especially bloggers posting in Khmer Language. It is not only good for Cambodia, but the other countries also are more convenient to read the articles of Khmer Language in their native language or English.
Saturday, March 2, 2013
មេឃមីរស្រលះ ជះរសរស្មី
ព្រះសូរ្យពណ្ណរាយ អមដំណើរទៅ
ព្រៃវែងជ្រៃឃ្មុំ ភូមិឃុំជម្រៅ
ដួងចិត្តលោកឪ ស្រុកកំណើតយាយ។
ពេលបានមកដល់ យល់ភក្រ្តវរមិត្រ
ជ្រៃឃ្មុំសម្រិត កាយចិត្តអោយស្បើយ
ជួបអ្នកភូមិផង បងប្អូនសាច់ឆ្ងាយ
ផ្លូវខ្សាច់អន្លាយ រាយផ្កាយលើភូមិ។
ដងផ្លូវខ្វាត់ខ្វែង រែងល្អងធូលី
ប្រុសស្រីមូលមីរ រួមគ្នារស់នៅ
សម្រស់វាលស្រែ ជាប់ចិត្តពាលពៅ
ដើមត្នោតរាយនៅ មើលទៅសែនស្រស់។
អនុស្សាវរីយ៍ រមណីយវាលធំ
ទេសភាពមនោរម្យ អោយខ្ញុំអាល័យ
ស៊ីធរកណ្តាល ចារជានិស្ស័យ
លាហើយណាថ្លៃ ជ្រៃឃ្មុំស្នេហ៍អើយ។
និពន្ធដោយ៖ ប៉ុក បញ្ញាវុធ (០២.០៣.២០១៣)
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