Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Countdown Two-Week Test-Taking Tips

In study life, all students always experience one common thing which is “test taking. However, test taking is not the happy thing for most students, especially not hard-working students. They usually get stressed and are out of emotional control when the test comes. Therefore, to help all of those students in releasing stress or pressure from test taking, in here there are some tips getting from website of McGraw-Hill for all students in higher education to consider and to practice for the period of two weeks before a test. In fact, to be successful with these two-week tips, there is the requirement for students to study hard in advance since the inception of the term or semester such as doing homework regularly, listening to teacher in class attentively, reading related books for studying subjects, taking notes all important points, and reviewing notes each day.  In contrast, students who do not work hard in the start could also push their study with their best efforts in practicing these two-week tips in order to get the good result from test even though their result is not in the range of the excellence! Tips on two weeks before the test listing what to be done as the following:
Two Weeks before the Test:
v  Meet your study partner or group three to five times this week for at least 30 minutes per period to review material and quiz each other.
v  During the weekend, schedule a longer period of time with your partner or group. Use this time to create and take practice tests.
v  Meet your instructor to review old tests and ask any questions regarding course material that you find difficult.
v  Create and carry flash cards with you to review formulas, terms, dates, or any other material that might appear on the test.
One Week before the Test:
v  Meet daily with your study partner or group.
v  Review your flash cards several times each day.
v  Complete extra homework exercises and problems on material that will be included on the test.
The Night before the Test:
v  Lay out comfortable clothes, books, keys and other necessary supplies to save you time in the morning! Make sure to include extra pens, sharp pencils, an eraser, and a calculator!
v  Review your flash cards at bedtime then remind yourself that you are prepared and will do well on the test!
v  Go to bed early enough to get a good night's rest!
Right before the Test:
v  Stay positive! Do not worry! Avoid conversations that dwell on being unprepared!
v  Listen carefully to instructions! Read all of the instructions on the test!
v  If allowed, use scratch paper and write down the important information such as formulas, key terms, and dates that you want to remember. Or, write this information in pencil on the margins of the test itself!
v  Skim the test before beginning it. Answer all of the questions that you know first, and then go back to the questions you were not sure about!
v  Do not panic! If you do not know the answer to a question with a high percentage of the total grade, move on. Sometimes when answering other questions, you jog your memory and the missing answer appears in your mind.
v  Take deep breaths to help you stay involved and focused.
v  Use all of the time available! When you have completed the test, check it over carefully, and then hand it in!
It's Test Day:
v  Upon awaking, relax and visualize the day in a positive light!
v  Do not skip breakfast! Eat a light breakfast that includes protein such as toast, cheese, yogurt, or cereal!
v  Take one note card and write down the most important information such as formulas, dates, and key words that could be on the test! Keep the card handy to review anytime anywhere prior to the test!
v  Keep a healthy snack and a bottle of water handy!
v  Get to class at least ten minutes early! Take some deep breaths, hunch and relax your shoulders. Review your note card, and then put it away!
The Test is over:
Congratulate and reward yourself for a job well done!
Now go do something fun! How about visiting these Web sites?
Stress relief is just a click away! You've learned that humor is a great way to ease your everyday burdens. Now check out The Centre for the Easily Amused for jokes and stress relieving games and trivia.
Have you seen a hamster dance yet? If you answered no, click on the above link. It's guaranteed to put a smile on your face. (If you are in a computer lab with other people, please be courteous and turn the volume down before you go to this page!)
(Source: http//:www.highered.mcgraw-hill.com)

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