Sunday, July 10, 2011

Styles of Leadership in the World

Since once upon a time, everywhere leadership has been being considered the most important skills of a special person within all social classes. However, leadership could be seen in different styles based on leaders themselves or situation they in. According lessons learnt at my university, leadership style can be defined as the approach of a manager or leader uses to influence all subordinates. Similarly, the styles of leader are usually seen with three kinds of leaders as mentioned below:
v  Autocratic Leader: refers to leader using style of strong authority over his subordinates. He uses his power directly to force his subordinates to given duties without letting them argue or discuss about his decision towards those duties.
v  Democratic Leader: is a kind and serious leader towards his subordinates. He usually encourages his subordinates to participate in the decision-making towards each work plan and to communicate freely with him in a professional manner. He is the one to care the feelings of all employees when giving works to them. However, he always keeps seriousness in leading his subordinates towards the achievement of the organizational goals.
v  Laissez-faire Leader: could be considered as the leader to modifier the lack of employees. He provides the support and the encouragement to all employees’ ideas, offers his opinions when asked, and encourages the group members to express themselves.
Note: Only one style for leadership in not enough to satisfy the achievement needs of an organization, so all leaders should adapt each leadership style to the various real situations in their organization.
By: POK Panhavuth

Prājñā (Wisdom), the “states of deep sleep”

Prājñā refers to the “states of deep sleep”. Actually, enough sleep could help people to keep their brain healthy; Generally, everyone needs...