Sunday, July 10, 2011

Good Health Habits!

v  Eat breakfast
v  Start an exercise program today and do it faithfully for 30 days. Walk, run, swim, bike, rollerblade, lift weights, etc. Choose something you really enjoy.
v  Give up a bad habit for a week. Go without alcohol, soda, pop, fried foods, donuts, chocolate, or whatever else may be hurting your body. A week later, see how you feel.
v  Subscribe to a magazine that has some educational value, such as Popular Mechanics or National Geographic.
v  Read a newspaper everyday. Pay special attention to the headline stories and the opinions page.
v  The next time you go on a date, visit a museum or eat at an ethnic restaurant you have never been to before. Expand your horizons.
v  Go on a one-on-one outing with a family member like your mom or your sister. Catch a ball game, see a movie, go shopping, or get an ice-cream.
v  Begin today to build your humor collection. Cut out your favorite cartoons, buy hilarious movies, or start your own collection of great jokes. In no time, you will have something to go to when you are feeling stressed.
v  Watch the sunset tonight or get up early to watch the sunrise
v  If you have not already done it, start keeping a journal today
v  Take time each day to meditate, and reflect upon your life. Do whatever works for you!

In short, sharpening your life through:
v  Body: refers to the physical dimension; exercise, eat healthy, sleep well, relax, etc.
v  Brain: refers to the mental dimension; read, educate, write, learn new skills, etc.
v  Heart: refers to the emotional dimension; build relationship, give service, laugh, etc.
v  Soul: refers to the spiritual dimension; meditate, keep a journal, pray, take in quality media, etc.

Prājñā (Wisdom), the “states of deep sleep”

Prājñā refers to the “states of deep sleep”. Actually, enough sleep could help people to keep their brain healthy; Generally, everyone needs...