Working while studying at university is the thing I do not prefer. There are a few reasons for me to decide so. First, it is to take time for reinforcing the professional skills at university. I need sufficient time to study more at home and practice what I have learned in class. Second, it is to concentrate only on my study. If I decide to work at the same time that I am studying at university, my brain will be difficult to try its best for specific purpose, especially my study. Third, it is because of my parents’ advice. They encourage me to try my best to learn first before getting into the career market because they know that working can cause my study to slow down and I will not be able to get the full chance to develop my professional skill efficiently. Finally, it is to have golden opportunity to join in the university activities such as arranging the scholarship examination, organizing the seminars, etc. It is sure that even though I am not working during university, I still get the chance to help the university in many events that I am able to do. In short, I do not work while I am in university with my own reasons that I see other benefits for my study rather than working to earn money.
By: POK Panhavuth
Prājñā (Wisdom), the “states of deep sleep”
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